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Nowadays, it seems like businesses are always one step away from being sued, whether it’s because of an accident, property damage, or reputational harm.

Given the risks that businesses face today, Nevada business owners need protection in the form of a robust insurance plan.

The thing is, it can be hard knowing what type of insurance you need and even harder to find an affordable policy.

To aid you in your search, we’ve written this article with some important things you need to know.

If you’re here because the question on your mind is, “General liability insurance. What does it cover?” keep reading.

PS For a more in-depth look at general liability insurance, check out our article dedicated to the subject (insert link).

General Liability Insurance. What does it cover exactly?

Typically, general liability insurance covers bodily injury, property damage, and advertising injury.

1. Bodily Injury Coverage 

General liability insurance covers business-related accidents that result in bodily injury to a third party. If a customer falls in your place of business and is injured, for example, you’re covered.

While general liability insurance covers payments for medical expenses, how much depends on your policy. If a customer gets food poisoning from eating at your restaurant, for example, your business might have to pay their medical bills…or at least a portion of them.

Also, keep in mind that general liability insurance only covers non-employee injuries. To cover your employees from injury while on the job, you’ll need workers’ compensation insurance.

2. Property Damage Coverage

If you cause damage to someone else’s property while you are providing them a service, then general liability insurance can help protect you financially.

To protect your own property from being damaged, you’ll need business property insurance.

3. Advertising Injury

General liability insurance protects businesses from slander, libel, and unintentional copyright infringement.

For those unfamiliar with these terms:

Libel is the publication of false information about an entity that causes harm to their reputation.

Slander is the verbal communication of false information about an entity that causes harm to their reputation.

Copyright infringement is the unauthorized use of copyrighted material.

Protect Your Business with the Right General Liability Insurance Coverage

Businesses of all sizes can be held liable for various accidents and mishaps. No one is immune to lawsuits, and as a business owner, you need to be prepared.

Even if you’re not at fault, the costs of defending yourself in court can be astronomical.

This is why All n One Insurance offers general liability insurance to help protect your business from risk.

Our policies are customizable, so you can choose the coverage that’s right for you. Plus, our rates are competitive, and we offer great discounts for qualifying businesses. Call us today to learn more.

Finding a Cost-Effective Insurance Plan

Obviously, the cost of your insurance plan is a very important issue to consider when you’re picking it.

To ensure we help you find the perfect insurance plan for your budget, we offer highly flexible payment plans.

Business Liability Insurance Coverage

Our insurance plans are multi-varied and cover multiple areas. For more information, you can call us at any time. We are available 24/7.

Why Choose All n One Bonding and Insurance

There are three main reasons why we could be the right bonding and insurance company for your needs.

  1. We are highly flexible – As already mentioned, we provide flexible payment plan solutions to our clients, so that you have an easier time making payments.
  1. We are always available – Our company culture is all about serving you the client, which is why we are available 24/7 to assist you.
  2. We are very experienced – As experts in the field, we know the ins and outs of bail bonds and have been helping people get them for years.
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